It is a biostimulant that contains humic-fulvic components in its structure. LEONARDIT raw material was used in production. Effects on Physical Properties of Soils: It prevents the formation of crust in the soil. It increases the water retention capacity of the soil. It regulates the movement of water and air within the soil. Increases water intake of plants. Reduces or prevents soil compaction in heavy textured soils. It increases seed germination. Increases root development. Effects on Chemical Properties of Soils: It increases ion exchange and Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) in the soil. Reduces salt damage. Increases availability and intake of nutritional elements. It increases microorganism activity in the soil and enriches the flora. It regulates pH. Humic components have undertaken important tasks such as controlling plant nutrient availability, ensuring the exchange of Carbon and Oxygen between the soil and the atmosphere, and ensuring the transformation or transportation of toxic chemicals into different components. BİOS BLACK contains humic and fulvic acids.